Soy products and hexane

Hexane is a dangerous chemical that is used by some companies to extract soy protein from soybeans.  Thus it’s frequently used to create soy milk, protein bars made with soy (such as Clif Bars (!)) and veggie burgers, etc. Even companies with foods that claim to be “natural” are known to use hexane in their soy processing.

According to, Eden Foods is one of the safest and best soy manufacturers and the only one of the best ones who sells across the country, and they don’t use hexane in their soy processing. Silk brand soy milk is one of the worst soy manufacturers. Good bye Silk creamer for my morning coffee. 😦 But I’ve noticed that even Eden Foods uses aluminum-lined containers for their soy milk, which apparently isn’t a factor in cornucopia’s ratings, so I won’t be buying that either. It’s looking like I can pretty much kiss soy products goodbye, except for tofu and maybe tempeh. I say maybe on the tempeh because I find it so hard to like.

For a report that rates the major soy manufacturers on their commitment to food safety and environmental welfare on a zero to five BEAN scale, go to

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