Millionaire Matchmaker – Patti

I know we’re not seeing everything that goes on, but how well does Patti really vet these people?    For a female client, we see several guys lined up as Patti questions them about their loyalty and sexuality and a few other things.  So we get one or 2 sentence responses from each to the questions, in a group setting.  Not only do I wonder if that that really enough, but also if you’re going to get straight answers in a group setting like that.   Last night we had the ex-Destiny’s Child client who particularly wanted someone extremely likely to be faithful.    She picks a guy, and at dinner he tells her he cheated on his last girlfriend.   He was very willing to tell this, so shouldn’t Patti have questioned him enough to weed him out prior to inviting him to the mixer?   There is just not enough interviewing of the people, especially given what the clients seem to be paying.   It seems to me there should be an extensive private interview of each potential match that is based on what the client is looking for, and I’m not seeing that happen at all.

Millionaire Matchmaker – Zagros

You know Zagros has to be a really nice guy.  Bringing his family like that to help pick a girl for him, even though they didn’t actually help at all, was so traditional and sweet.  That whole situation reminds me so much of two movies I’ve seen, “Late Marriage” and “Two Lovers” which were each about a young Jewish man from a traditional family who had not really separated from his parents, and what happens as he looks for a wife.   Not exactly the same situation, since Zagros is a successful businessman and the movie characters were financially unsuccessful and he’s not Jewish.  But the middle eastern traditions are similar and Zagros is very close to his family.  Zagros should study those 2 movies.    Of course I have no idea what Zagros was thinking, but I have a sneaking suspicion he had pretty much decided after several days with his date that she wasn’t going to be the one, maybe even subconsciously, but he still liked her a lot and thought she was “hot”,  so he decided to just go for it.   When a man is really in love, he instinctively knows what Patti was saying about a woman not trusting a man if she sleeps with him before commitment, and for that reason he will purposefully wait, even if the woman is willing to go ahead.

millionaire matchmaker – Uri, Zagros

Boy Patti is really letting people have it these days.   Patti says Uri has inadequate testosterone.   He’s got the same gentleness that a guy I know has (won’t say exactly who) and he is diagnosed low testosterone.   Anyway I see why Patti said it but regardless he’s cuuuuuute!!!    Woohoo!!!  doll BABY!

So Zagros is bad in bed if the after-date meeting with Teal is an indication.  My (not hypothetical) experience is that doesn’t change.    just a word to the wise…

I liked Zagros’s mother and agree with her taste totally, but she would do well to say nothing when there’s a woman she likes for him, since he seems automatically against anyone she likes.  It’s part of the individuation process, Mom, and maybe he’s still going through it.

 I’ve heard people say they think Patti’s angry or hates men/women, but I’m not sure that’s it.  I think she’s gotten really good at spotting people’s weaknesses and thinks that for the sake of the show it would be clever to point them out.

Millionaire Matchmaker – Lonnie and Patrick

Pardon me for mentioning Lonnie (lysol bath, quick!!!!) and Patrick in the same sentence.   Lonnie oooooozed creepiness, breathing through his sneering unsmiling mouth.  I can’t believe the sweet Sabrina let herself be pressured into going out with him.  I’m not sure she was pressured, but what other reason could there be?  You know why Lonnie likes 18/19 year old women?   My only guess is because he thinks he can control them, and a woman his own age or anywhere close won’t even have him.   

Patrick and Lola are my favorite so far!  When Lola said she liked spending time with her doggie (Patrick loves doggies too), you could just see the hearts shooting out of Patrick’s head!   And I didn’t detect any “analyzing” on the part of Lola.  She liked Patrick from the get-go and wasn’t afraid to show it.  Sweet.

Millionaire Matchmaker – ageist

Patti’s constant harping on ageism is starting to offend me a little.    I guess ageism is the norm in Los Angeles, but this show is broadcast all over the country, and it’s giving me a bit of a complex.   My consolation is that the vast majority of viewers are probably female, but men all over the country, if they’re watching, are going to start thinking that women over 30 are washed up, because Patti won’t stop telling them they are, just when we were starting to get past that.   Lay off it Patti!

Millionaire Matchmaker – Bill and Heidi

They looked sooo perfect together.  Too bad Bill is a complete ageist.  Number one, as nice as Bill’s hotel looked, Heidi should not have gone up there for the first date, or the first few for that matter.  Patti said she broke her rule with letting Bill invite her up there, and really, she should have been thinking that that situation was what that rule was for, to prevent that situation from happening, as appealing as it seems to be on the surface.   And then Bill giving her a bikini was a little too weird, but it makes me think they planned that behind the scenes since it fit so perfectly.  Who knows, not me.   Towards the end of the date Heidi was draped all over Bill, which wasn’t a good idea either.   She couldn’t keep her hands off him, and wasn’t he pretty much just sitting there?    After the date when he told Patti he was going on a cruise for 2 weeks, a glimpse of whatever weirdness is keeping him single peeked through.  Who plans a 2 week cruise for RIGHT AFTER paying a company $20,000 to fix you up with a potential Miss Right?  No normal person, that’s who.

Millionaire Matchmaker – Harold

If Harold is 48 I’ll eat my hat.  He looks more like 55+ to me.  Does Patti verify ages?  I don’t know.   Patti called Harold a serial dater, but it’s more likely that all these 25 year olds Patti was setting him up with just weren’t that interested in him.  Finally, Harold had a date who seems to like him!  When she called Patti after the date and told Patti she liked him, Patti couldn’t hide her shock!  “Oh!!!” she said.   If the gal likes Harold that’s great.  But as desperate as Harold is, she still shouldn’t have mentioned marriage on the first date, as in, “If we get married…”  Which she did do!  Hopefully he’ll forget about that and move on with her.  He seems like a nice guy when he’s not chasing 25 year olds.

And his date, I forgot her name, isn’t she pretty??   They each seem to have what the other wants.   This is one match that I hope works out.

Well maybe he has spent a lot of time in the sun and I will need to eat a hat.